Goodbye Corporate America, Hello Entrepreneurship!

Goodbye Corporate America, Hello Entrepreneurship!

Since starting this business almost 4 years ago, it was always a dream I had to one day be my own boss. Now that I'm finally here I am so thrilled! I have prayed and prayed for this day to come! After working in banking for almost 9 years, it was time for a change.

Its been almost two months since I put in my notice at my full-time job. And let me tell you, you know that saying “You do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”? Well they’re wrong! You’ll work JUST as hard! But I have so much fun and love what I do, that maybe they are right…

God has truly given me the biggest blessing when he planted this seed to start this business 10 years ago when I learned how to pour candles for the first time. Working in that little small town candle shop in college was the best thing to ever happen to me. I am so thankful that this is what I get to call “work”. 

Now that I’m fully able to devote my undivided attention to my brand, and my business, so many new things are happening and evolving. I just unveiled my new luxe collection and so much more is coming. It’s so exciting to see how much I’ve grown since I’ve started. I was just talking to my husband about my little bakers rack shelf I was using to store candles. And now I have giant industrial shelves with hundreds of candles. I guess that’s what happens when you’re in 12 different stores! I’m just so blessed.